

🚧 Sprout is still in active development and evolving quickly, so the documentation and functionality may not work as described and could undergo substantial changes 🚧

    name: str | None = None,
    title: str | None = None,
    type: FieldType | None = None,
    format: str | None = None,
    description: str | None = None,
    example: str | None = None,
    constraints: ConstraintsProperties | None = None,
    categories: list[str] | list[int] | None = None,
    categories_ordered: bool | None = None,
    missing_values: list[str] | list[MissingValueProperties] | None = None,

A field in a table schema.

Provides human-readable documentation as well as additional information that can be used to validate the field or create a user interface for data entry.


name : str | None

A name for this field. Must be unique amongst other field names in this table schema.

title : str | None

A human readable label or title for this field.

type : FieldType | None

The data type of this field.

format : str | None

The format for this field.

description : str | None

A text description for this field.

example : str | None

An example value for this field.

constraints : ConstraintsProperties | None

The constraints applicable to this field.

categories : list[str] | list[int] | None

A finite set of possible values for this field.

categories_ordered : bool | None

Specifies whether the order of appearance of the values in the categories property should be regarded as their natural order.

missing_values : list[str] | list[MissingValueProperties] | None

Values that, when encountered in the field, should be considered as not present. Takes precedence over the schema-level property.


Name Description
default Creates a FieldProperties dataclass with default values.



Creates a FieldProperties dataclass with default values.



A FieldProperties dataclass with default values.